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Brazilian Duo: Guarana & Pinga Cocktail SAUDADE




Pinga is a distilled liquor made from sugarcane often drunk in Brazil, and called Cachaça as well. Speaking of sugarcane liquor, you may think of rum, and you can think pinga is Brazilian Rum but it’s still different its taste and flavor of course.
Here is the cocktail using pinga, taught by Mrs. Setsu Hagiwara, the owner master of Akasaka ambe CUATRO.
“You got to be careful not forgetting that ping is a hard liquor with 40 degrees of alcohol, real booze,” she says. And this is SAUDADE, the cocktail of pinga and Co-Up Guarana.
Here is the method:
Pour pinga as much as you want – but again, please be careful, pinga is a 40% real booze, into a glass and mix with Co-Up Guarana. Saudade means nostalgia in Português and Spanish. Brazil is the home for both pinga and guarana, hope you enjoy the good old Brazilian vibes from this cocktail. Sugar cane is the raw ingredient of this liquor and the taste is actually milder and smoother than you may think, but again and again, don’t pour pinga too much when you have a second, third shot into a glass. It will give you a slow but heavy punch.
(to be continued)